Thursday, April 16, 2009

business person who wants to make a difference in the world

hi all,,

i am business person who wants to make a difference in the world.

i had different ideas {and still have ideas }of how to help and make a difference,affect lives around me.i started talking to people and was quite discouraged with the process i was told i would have to go through......some said i would have to register as an ngo...... and that could be quite hectic.i was told u need a board of trustess,,,,u need this......u need that......and sincerely speaking i was not ready to go through all that.and because of the country where i come from where a lot of people think and believe corruption is the order of the day,,some ngo's are percieved to be established to furnish ones pocket and not for the good of all.

i then came in contact with a friend who explianed and encouraged me to establish a social enterprise .she said i could do my business with the mindset "not just for profit but for the good of all"

projectstitch was born..........

i started researching and reading up on social enterprenuers and was amazed with what i have learnt............

there are so many organizations ......inndividuals who are genuiely concerned and are taking action and doing something to improve the world .

at first i was overwhemled with some ideas and i started thinking.... no thats not what i want.....

all i want to do is something small.....but would grow to be something big and others would be inspired and woul be able to adopt such ideas .i want to start things that anyone anywhere could and would be able to do anywhere and anytime with little or no resources........

today i read the story of Krista Cameron at

and my first thot was ....thats more like it.........this is an idea we can adopt anywhere .....anytime.......

by organizing dance classes......youths around us have an avenue to expend unused energy......

they explore their creative side........

they ae not idle.......

its a means of keeping fit.......

they interact with other youths which in turn boosts thier communicating skills......

it could eventually become a source of livelihood for them which empowers them .......

they can enter both local and international dance competition which exposes them to other cultures and way of life............

it inspires them to give back to the society .........because they are being taught by volunteers......

and they can see the power each of us has to make a difference in our world......................

those kids you teach now would forever have the memories to cherish and share to inspire others and generations yet unborn.....

u dont need so much to make a difference..............

do you have an idea or you know anyone making a difference.......

pls do send an email to

i will be posting more of such stories ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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